Author(s): Akash S. Tamboli, Mitesh P. Sonawane, Kirti S. Pawar, Vikas D. Nikam, Akash B. Rathod


DOI: 10.52711/0975-4377.2024.00044   

Address: Akash S. Tamboli*, Mitesh P. Sonawane, Kirti S. Pawar, Vikas D. Nikam, Akash B. Rathod
Loknete DR. J.D. Pawar College of Pharmacy, Manur, Tal: Kalwan, Dist: Nashik.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 16,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2024

In order to overcome the difficulties associated with administering medication, especially orally, the application of medication transdermal administration technique Was developed. Transdermal patches are a sticky patch that has been medicated and put to the skin to provide a certain dosage delivering medicine transdermally into the bloodstream. It promotes the healing process when a body part is injured. By using a membrane that is permeable to cover a supply of medicine or by liquefying small layers of drugs imbedded within the glue with body heat a transdermal application allows for a managed delivery of medicine to the individual. One advantages of transdermal medicine delivery above alternative kinds of administration, like current, i.v., and i.m., or oral, is that the fix offers a regulated the drug's release.

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Akash S. Tamboli, Mitesh P. Sonawane, Kirti S. Pawar, Vikas D. Nikam, Akash B. Rathod. A Review on: Transdermal Patches. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology.2024; 16(3):280-8. doi: 10.52711/0975-4377.2024.00044

Akash S. Tamboli, Mitesh P. Sonawane, Kirti S. Pawar, Vikas D. Nikam, Akash B. Rathod. A Review on: Transdermal Patches. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology.2024; 16(3):280-8. doi: 10.52711/0975-4377.2024.00044   Available on:

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