Gastric emptying is a complex and incredibly factor process. This causes the unusualness of the bioavailability of medication delivery system. GRDDSs can improve the controlled delivery of medications that have an ingestion window by continuously delivering the medication for a delayed time before it arrives at its assimilation site. Gastro retentive drug delivery system (GRDDS)s have gotten huge consideration in the previous many years, because of the way that they can overcome the limitations of regular oral controlled released drug delivery system identified with quick gastric emptying time. An ideal GRDDS can be characterized as a system which stays in the stomach for an adequate time and deliver the active ingredients in a controlled way so that sustained action can be created. This, altogether broadens the duration of medication release, prolongs dosing interval and expands bioavailability of medications and consequently improves compliance of the patients and viability of pharmacotherapy. This article gives an outline of the fundamental ideas used to design drug dosage form with delayed gastric residence time as well as the factors influencing gastric emptying, favourable circumstances, deficiencies, formulation consideration and, elements that influence gastro retentive system. The principal emphasis is on the whole grouping and various types of GRDDSs.
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Muskan Rathor, Anshika Garg. Gastroretentive drug delivery system: An Overview. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology.2024; 16(1):91-7. doi: 10.52711/0975-4377.2024.00015
Muskan Rathor, Anshika Garg. Gastroretentive drug delivery system: An Overview. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology.2024; 16(1):91-7. doi: 10.52711/0975-4377.2024.00015 Available on: https://rjpdft.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2024-16-1-15
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