Prajakta P. Shinde, Suvarna J. Shelke, Sneha K. Sonawane, Pratiksha R. Pawar
Prajakta P. Shinde1*, Suvarna J. Shelke1, Sneha K. Sonawane1, Pratiksha R. Pawar2
1Department of Pharmaceutics, SMBT College of Pharmacy, Dhamngaon, Nashik.
2Department of Pharmacognosy, SMBT College of Pharmacy, Dhamngaon, Nashik.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 15,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2023
Nowdays, variety of food available in the market, which have serious health, environmental and social influence. Their consumption is not good for health. Due to all these things, people are fighting with many diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, osteoporosis and other allergic health related issues. For these purpose Nutraceuticals are the immunity booster that help to prevent disease and maintain normal body function, mostly COVID -19 disease the Nutraceuticals have developed as potential compounds to attenuate the COVID-19 complications. In particular, these food additives improve a person's immunity and augment the overall COVID treatment. Due to their greater cost and widespread use in nearly every home, these chemicals have been employed extensively. Simple access. Various drugs Nutraceutical interactions have also been elaborated with various examples in this review. This review summarizes the classification of Nutraceuticls like traditional, nontraditional etc.
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Prajakta P. Shinde, Suvarna J. Shelke, Sneha K. Sonawane, Pratiksha R. Pawar. A Review on Nutraceuticals and its Classification. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology. .2023; 15(3):198-2. doi: 10.52711/0975-4377.2023.00032
Prajakta P. Shinde, Suvarna J. Shelke, Sneha K. Sonawane, Pratiksha R. Pawar. A Review on Nutraceuticals and its Classification. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology. .2023; 15(3):198-2. doi: 10.52711/0975-4377.2023.00032 Available on:
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