Yogesh S. Thorat, Parikshit D. Shirure, A. H. Hosmani
Dr. Yogesh S. Thorat1, Parikshit D. Shirure1*, Dr. A. H. Hosmani2
1P G Department of Pharmaceutics, D.S.T.S. Mandal’s College of Pharmacy, Solapur- 413004 Maharashtra. India.
Department of Pharmaceutics, Government College of Pharmacy, Ratnagiri- 415612 Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2021
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae. It is known as Jaswandi or gudhal in Maharashtra, India. The recognized Indian systems of Medicine are Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani, which use herbs and minerals in the formulations. India which use 15 agro-climatic zones, 4700 plant species of which 15000 are reported to have medicinal properties varying degrees. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower used for treatment of many ailments including constipation stomach upset, hair fall, CNS disorder like depression. extract of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flowers contain vitamins, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and cyaniding diglucoside. Quercetin-3-diglucoside, cyanidin-3-sophoroside-5-glycosides, 3,7-diglucoside, cyanidin-3, 5-diglucoside have been isolated from deep yellow flowers. Flowers of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis can also be made into a kind of pickle or used as a purple dye for colouring foods such as preserved fruit and cooked vegetables. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) are considered to be the most effective lipid based colloidal carriers, introduced in early nineties. This study was aimed to formulating the hibiscus rosa-sinensis extract loaded solid lipid nanoparticles using Cow’s ghee as lipid core. In the present research work Solid lipid nanoparticles of extract hibiscus rosa-sinensis were prepared high speed homogenization method. The SLN sparticle size analysis depicts that the SLN swere ranging from 222nm to 3264.7nm. These SLN sprepared cow ghee shows Heterogeneous distribution and. SLNs shows maximum entrapment 81.14%. The optimized batch gives 99.21% release in phosphate buffer. It also observed in the physical examination of all batches showed better stability at room temperature.
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Yogesh S. Thorat, Parikshit D. Shirure, A. H. Hosmani. Formulation of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Containing Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (L.) Extract. Res. J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech.2021; 13(1):7-11. doi: 10.5958/0975-4377.2021.00002.1
Yogesh S. Thorat, Parikshit D. Shirure, A. H. Hosmani. Formulation of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Containing Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (L.) Extract. Res. J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech.2021; 13(1):7-11. doi: 10.5958/0975-4377.2021.00002.1 Available on:
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