Vinod Matole, Smita Kumbhar, Akshay Javalgikar, Anup Dhange, Sachin Yanjane, Saili Madur, Smeeta Patil, Swaminath Ramanshetti, Anita Shegaonkar, Avinash Birajdar, Suyash Ingle
Vinod Matole*, Smita Kumbhar, Akshay Javalgikar, Anup Dhange, Sachin Yanjane, Saili Madur, Smeeta Patil, Swaminath Ramanshetti, Anita Shegaonkar, Avinash Birajdar, Suyash Ingle
Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, D.S.T.S. Mandal’s College of Pharmacy, Solapur- 413004.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2021
The Purpose of writing this review on Gastroretentive drug delivery systems was to compile the recent literature with special focus on various Gastroretentive approaches that have recently become leading methodologies in the field of site specific orally administered controlled release drug delivery. The drug releases in Stomach or Intestine. Advantages and Disadvantages of GRRDS covered in details.
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Vinod Matole, Smita Kumbhar, Akshay Javalgikar, Anup Dhange, Sachin Yanjane, Saili Madur, Smeeta Patil, Swaminath Ramanshetti, Anita Shegaonkar, Avinash Birajdar, Suyash Ingle. A Brief Review on Gastro-Retentive Drug Delivery Systems. Res. J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech.2021;13(1):62-65. doi: 10.5958/0975-4377.2021.00011.2
Vinod Matole, Smita Kumbhar, Akshay Javalgikar, Anup Dhange, Sachin Yanjane, Saili Madur, Smeeta Patil, Swaminath Ramanshetti, Anita Shegaonkar, Avinash Birajdar, Suyash Ingle. A Brief Review on Gastro-Retentive Drug Delivery Systems. Res. J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech.2021;13(1):62-65. doi: 10.5958/0975-4377.2021.00011.2 Available on:
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