Author(s): Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite


DOI: 10.5958/0975-4377.2020.00050.6   

Address: Akshay R. Yadav*, Dr. Shrinivas K. Mohite
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon, Sangli, Maharashtra, India- 415404.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2020

Single and multiple walled carbon nanotubes have already serve as safer and more effective alternatives to previous drug delivery methods. They can pass through membranes, carrying therapeutic drugs, vaccines, and nucleic acids deep into the cell to targets previously unreachable. They also serve as ideal non-toxic vehicles which increase the solubility of the attached drug in some cases, resulting in greater efficacy and safety. Overall, recent CNT studies have shown a very promising glimpse of what lies ahead in the medicines. Anticancer drug methotrexate via the release mechanism of enzymatic cleavage in in-vitro breast cells with the aid of multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Likewise, multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified by dendrimer have been used for the delivery of the drug doxorubicin. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes are ideal carriers of peptides, proteins and genes because these macromolecules are quickly destroyed by the enzymes present on the inside of the cell surface. Established carrier cationic multiwalled carbon nanotubes-NH3þ used to deliver the apoptotic siRNA against polo-like kinase (siPLK1) in calu6 tumor xenografts by direct intertumoral injections.

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Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite. Carbon Nanotubes as an effective Solution for Cancer Therapy. Res. J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech.2020; 12(4):301-307. doi: 10.5958/0975-4377.2020.00050.6

Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite. Carbon Nanotubes as an effective Solution for Cancer Therapy. Res. J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech.2020; 12(4):301-307. doi: 10.5958/0975-4377.2020.00050.6   Available on:

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