Author(s): Keshav Dhiman, Anshul Sharma, Anshul Sharma, Kamya Goyal, Vinay Pandit, M. S. Ashawat, Shammy Jindal


DOI: 10.52711/0975-4377.2022.00050   

Address: Keshav Dhiman1, Anshul Sharma1, Anshul Sharma1, Kamya Goyal2, Vinay Pandit1, M. S. Ashawat1, Shammy Jindal1*
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Laureate Institute of Pharmacy, Kathog Jawalaji Dist - Kangra (H.P.) India.
2Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance, Laureate Institute of Pharmacy, Kathog Jawalaji Dist - Kangra (H.P.) India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2022

The plants containing berberine have been used for the treatment of skin diseases, inflammatory disorders, and reducing fevers, wound healing, digestive and respiratory diseases and in treatment of tumors. By taking the specific properties of the berberine, this review describes the method mentioned in the literature regarding the berberine extraction. Furthermore, many experimental and clinical studies suggest that berberine has several pharmacological activities such as antioxidative, cardioprotective, nephroprotective, and hepatoprotective effect. This review summarizes the information about botanical occurrence, traditional uses and pharmacological effects of berberine and berberine containing plants.

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Keshav Dhiman, Anshul Sharma, Anshul Sharma, Kamya Goyal, Vinay Pandit, M. S. Ashawat, Shammy Jindal. Application of Berberine on Skin Diseases: A Review. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology. 2022; 14(4):304-8. doi: 10.52711/0975-4377.2022.00050

Keshav Dhiman, Anshul Sharma, Anshul Sharma, Kamya Goyal, Vinay Pandit, M. S. Ashawat, Shammy Jindal. Application of Berberine on Skin Diseases: A Review. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology. 2022; 14(4):304-8. doi: 10.52711/0975-4377.2022.00050   Available on:

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