A. Ankarao, CH. Babu Rao, N. Devanna
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A. Ankarao1*, CH. Babu Rao2 and N. Devanna3
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Hindu College of Pharmacy, Guntur.
2Department of Chemistry, Donbosco PG college of Pharmacy, Guntur
3Department of Chemistry J.N.T.U College of Engineering, Anantapur
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 4,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2012
The purpose of this research work was to establish mucoadhesive buccal tablets of terbutaline sulphate in the forms of bilayered tablets. The tablets were prepared using Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC K4M) and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (SCMC) and Carbopol-934 (CP) as bioadhesive polymers to impart mucoadhesion and ethyl cellulose (EC) to act as an impermeable backing layer. Buccal tablets were evaluated by different parameters such as weight uniformity, content uniformity, thickness, hardness, surface pH, swelling index, ex vivo mucoadhesive strength, in vitro drug release, and in vitro drug permeation. The mechanism of drug release was found to be non-Fickian diffusion (value of n between 0.5 and 1.0) for both the buccal tablets. The present study concludes that mucoadhesive buccal tablets of terbutaline sulphate can be a good way to bypass the extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism and to improve the bioavailability of terbutaline sulphate.
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A. Ankarao, CH. Babu Rao, N. Devanna. Formulation and Evaluation of Buccoadhesive Bilayered Tablets of Terbutaline Sulphate. Research J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech. 2012; 4(1):32-35.
A. Ankarao, CH. Babu Rao, N. Devanna. Formulation and Evaluation of Buccoadhesive Bilayered Tablets of Terbutaline Sulphate. Research J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech. 2012; 4(1):32-35. Available on: