S. C. Shivhare, K.G. Malviya, Preeti Srivastav, U.D. Shivhare, Atneriya U.K
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S. C. Shivhare1*, K.G. Malviya1, Dr Preeti Srivastav1, Dr. U.D. Shivhare2 and Atneriya U.K3
1MJRP College of Heath Care and Allied Sciences, MJRP University, Jaipur India.
2Sharad Pawar College of Pharmacy, Nagpur
3BM College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Indore (M.P).
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 4,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2012
The present article aimed at focusing the different courses being conducted to prepare the manpower for the pharmacy profession i.e. each and every field which is directly or indirectly related to the production and sell of drugs. The article also highlights the regulatory bodies involved in designing the syllabus also the content of course at every stage of the course, the practical training that a student should undergo at every level. The brief discussion has been made about the functions of the regulatory bodies. A correlation has been made between the theoretical and practical content of the course with the present professional opportunities and the requirement of the Pharma industries. A little attempt has been made and some views are put through this platform for upgrading the standard of education to bridge the gape between the theoretical approach of the course and present need of the pharmacy profession at the industrial as well as educational level. Pharmacy education in India traditionally has been industry and product oriented. The information presented in this paper may stimulate discussion and critical analysis and planning, and will be of value in further adaptation of the pharmacy education to desired educational outcomes.
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A Review: Indian Pharmaceutical Education and its Regulatory Authorities. S. C. Shivhare, K.G. Malviya, Preeti Srivastav, U.D. Shivhare, Atneriya U.K. Research J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech. 2012; 4(1):14-18.
A Review: Indian Pharmaceutical Education and its Regulatory Authorities. S. C. Shivhare, K.G. Malviya, Preeti Srivastav, U.D. Shivhare, Atneriya U.K. Research J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech. 2012; 4(1):14-18. Available on: