Author(s): Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite


DOI: 10.5958/0975-4377.2020.00044.0   

Address: Akshay R. Yadav*, Shrinivas K. Mohite
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon, Sangli, Maharashtra, India-415404.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2020

Ebolaviruses belongs to the family of Filoviridae in the order of Mononegavirales. The genome is a single, negative polarity strand of RNA. EBOV is one of the most virulent pathogens among viral haemorrhagic fevers, with case fatality rates of up to 90% reported. Mortality is the result of multi-organ failure and serious bleeding complications. By 18 September 2014, the WHO reported 5,335 cases (confirmed, suspected and probable) with 2,622 deaths, resulting in a case fatality rate of around 50%. There are no approved medications or vaccines available for EVD until today; supporting care is the pillar of therapy. There are, however, a number of therapeutic approaches along the way that could have a real impact on the control and prevention of this global threat. This review aims to provide clinicians with an overview of EVD with emphasis on epidemiology, clinical manifestations and options for treatment.

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Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite. An Overview on Ebola Virus Disease. Res. J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech.2020; 12(4):267-270. doi: 10.5958/0975-4377.2020.00044.0

Akshay R. Yadav, Shrinivas K. Mohite. An Overview on Ebola Virus Disease. Res. J. Pharma. Dosage Forms and Tech.2020; 12(4):267-270. doi: 10.5958/0975-4377.2020.00044.0   Available on:

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