A Review on Solid Lipid
Patil Amol M*, Todkar Rohit R, Gumte Dipak S, S.K. Mohite, C.S. Magdum
Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon
Tal- Walwa Dist Sangli– 415
*Corresponding Author E-mail: amp1216@rediffmail.com
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) are the emerging field of
nanotechnology having many potential applications in drug delivery as well as
in research. Lipid nanoparticles offer possibility to
develop new therapeutics due to their unique size dependent properties. The
ability of incorporating drug molecules into nanocarriers
provides a new prototype in drug Delivery which could be used for drug
targeting. Therefore solid lipid nanoparticles have
great promise for increasing the goal of controlled and site specific drug
delivery. Present review focus on broad treatment of solid lipid nanoparticles with their aims, production procedures,
advantages, limitations and their possible remedies. SLN are sub-micron
colloidal carriers ranging from 50 to 1000 nm, which are composed of
physiological lipid, dispersed in water or in aqueous surfactant solution.
Solid lipid nanoparticle offer unique properties such as very small size, large
surface area, high drug loading and the interaction of phases at the interface
and are attractive for their potential to increase performance of
Solid lipid nanoparticles
(SLN) are introduced in the year of 1991 an alternative carrier system.
Tradition colloidal carriers system such as - emulsions, liposome’s and
polymeric micro – and nanoparticles. Hence nanoparticles made from solid lipids are attracting major
attention as novel colloidal drug carrier system for intravenous applications
also they have been proposed as an alternative particulate carrier system. SLN
are sub-micron colloidal carriers ranging from 50 to 1000 nm, which are
composed of physiological lipid, dispersed in water or in aqueous surfactant
solution. Solid lipid nanoparticle offer unique properties such as very small
size, large surface area, high drug loading and the interaction of phases at
the interface and are attractive for their potential to increase performance of
Solid lipid nanoparticles
are one of the modern potential colloidal carrier system as alternative
materials to excipients which is identical to oil in
water emulsion for parenteral nutrition. They have
many advantages such as good biocompatibility, low toxicity and lipophilic drugs are better delivered by solid lipid nanoparticles and the system is physically stable.
Advantages of SLN 1-4
or target drug release.
Good biocompatibility.
stability of pharmaceuticals.
and enhanced drug content.
to scale up and sterilize.
control over release kinetics of encapsulated compounds.
bioavailability of entrapped bioactive compounds.
protection of labile incorporated compounds.
easier to manufacture than biopolymeric nanoparticles.
need of any special solvent.
emulsion manufacturing methods applicable.
materials essential the same as in emulsions.
high long-term stability.
Can be
subjected to commercial sterilization procedures.
Disadvantages of SLN 4, 6
• Particle growth.
• Unpredictable gelation
• Unexpected dynamics of polymeric transitions.
Aims of solid lipid nanoparticles
6, 9
• Possibility of controlled drug release.
• Improve drug stability.
• High drug pay load.
• No bio-toxicity of the carrier.
• Avoidance of organic solvents.
• Incorporation of lipophilic
and hydrophilic drugs.
Methods of preparation of solid lipid nanoparticles1-10:
1. High pressure homogenization
A. Hot
B. Cold
2 . Solvent evaporation method
4. Solvent emulsification-diffusion method
5. Supercritical fluid method
6. Micro emulsion based method
7. Spray drying method
8. Double emulsion method
9. Precipitation technique
10. Film-ultrasound dispersion
1. High pressure homogenization (HPH):
It is a easy and powerful technique, which is used for
the formulation of SLNs. High pressure Homogenizers push a liquid with high
pressure (100–2000 bar) through a narrow gap (in the range of a few microns).
The fluid rotate on a very short distance to very high velocity (over 1000
Km/h). Very high shear stress and cavitation forces
disrupt the particles down to the submicron range. Generally 5-10% lipid
content is used but up to 40% lipid content has also been investigated. Two
general approaches of HPH are hot homogenization and cold homogenization; work
on the same principle of mixing the drug in bulk of lipid melt.
A. Hot homogenization:
Hot homogenization is carried out at temperatures
above the melting point of the lipid and can therefore be regarded as the
homogenization of an emulsion. A pre-emulsion of the drug loaded lipid melt and
the aqueous emulsifier phase (same temperature) is obtained by high-shear
mixing device. HPH of the pre-emulsion is carried out at temperatures above the
melting point of the lipid. generally,
higher temperatures result in lower particle sizes due to the decreased
viscosity of the inner phase. However, high temperatures increase the
degradation rate of the drug and the carrier. Increasing the homogenization
pressure or the number of cycles often results in an improve of the particle
size due to high kinetic energy of the particles.
Drug in melted lipid |
Dispersion of liquid phase to aqeuous mixture |
Pre-emulsion |
High Pressure |
Hot o/w nanoemulsion |
Cooling at room |
Solid lipid nanoparticle |
B. Cold homogenization:
Cold homogenization has been formulated to overcome
various problems associated with hot Homogenization such as:
Temperature-induced drug degradation, drug distribution into the aqueous phase
during homogenization, Complexity of the crystallization step of the nanoemulsion leading to several modifications and/or super
cooled melts. In this technique the drug containing lipid melt is cooled, the
solid lipid ground to lipid micro particles and these lipid micro particles are
dispersed in a cold surfactant solution yielding a pre-suspension. Then this
pre-suspension is homogenized at or below room temperature, the gravitation
force is strong enough to break the lipid micro particles directly to solid
lipid nanoparticles.
capital cost.
at lab scale.
intensive process.
at lab scale Bimolecular damage.
3. Solvent evaporation:
SLNs can also prepared by solvent evaporation method.
The lipophilic material is dissolved in a Water immiscible organic solvent (e.g. cyclohexane) that is
emulsified in an aqueous phase. Upon evaporation of the solvent, nanoparticles dispersion is formed by precipitation of the
lipid in the aqueous medium by giving the nanoparticles
of 25 nm mean size. The solution was emulsified in an aqueous phase by high
pressure homogenization. The organic solvent was removed from the emulsion by
evaporation under reduced pressure (40–60 mbar).
5. Supercritical fluid method:
This is an alternate method of preparing SLNs by
particles from gas saturated solutions (PGSS).
the use of solvents.
are obtained as a dry powder, as an alternative of suspensions.
pressure and temperature specification.
dioxide solution is the good choice as a solvent for this method.
6. Microemulsion based
Microemulsion method is based on the dilution of microemulsions. Basically
micro-emulsions are two-phase systems contain of an inner and outer
phase (e.g. o/w microemulsions). These are made by
stirring an optically transparent mixture at 65-70°C, which typically composed
of a low melting fatty acid (e.g. stearic acid), an
emulsifier (e.g. polysorbate 20), co-emulsifiers
(e.g. butanol) and water. The hot microemulsion
is dispersed in cold water (2-3°C) under stirring. SLN dispersion can be used
as granulation fluid for transferring in to solid product (tablets, pellets) by
granulation process, but in case of low particle content too much of water
needs to be removed. High-temperature gradients facilitate rapid lipid
crystallization and prevent aggregation. Due to the dilution step; achievable
lipid contents are considerably lower compared with the HPH based formulations.
mechanical energy input.
sensitive to change.
intensive formulation work.
nanoparticle concentrations.
7. Spray drying method 8:
Spray drying method is an alternative technique to the
lyophilization process. This recommends the use of
lipid with melting point more than 70oC. The best results were obtained with
SLN concentration of 1% in a solution of trehalose in
water or 20% trehalose in ethanol-water mixture.
8. Double emulsion method:
Here the drug is encapsulated with a stabilizer to
prevent the partitioning of drug in to external water phase during solvent
evaporation in the external water phase of w/o/w double emulsion.
9. Precipitation method:
The glycerides are dissolved
in an organic solvent (e.g. chloroform) and the solution will be Emulsified in
an aqueous phase. After evaporation of the organic solvent the lipid will be
precipitated forming nanoparticles.
10. Film-ultrasound dispersion:
The lipid and the drug were put into suitable organic
solutions, after decompression, rotation and evaporation of the organic
solutions, a lipid film is formed, then the aqueous solution which includes the
emulsions was added. Using the ultrasound with the probe to diffuser at last,
the SLN with the little and
uniform particle size is formed.
Advantages of SLN contain the composition
(physiological compounds), the rapid and effective production process including the possibility
of large scale production, the avoidance of organic solvents and the
possibility to produce carriers with higher encapsulation efficiency.
Disadvantages include low drug-loading capacities, the presence of alternative
colloidal structures (micelles, liposomes, mixed
micelles, drug nanocrystals), the complexity of the
physical state of the lipid (transformation between different modifications)
and the possibility of super cooled melts which cause stability problems during
storage or administration (gelation, particle size
increase, drug expulsion). SLN are very complex systems with clear advantages
and disadvantages to other colloidal carriers.
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Received on 26.04.2016 Modified on 21.05.2016
Accepted on 08.06.2016 ©A&V Publications All right reserved
Res. J. Pharm.
Dosage Form. & Tech. 2016; 8(3): 218-220.
DOI: 10.5958/0975-4377.2016.00030.6