Taste Abatement of Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride by Cation Exchange Resins


Pawar P.B. 1*, Wagh M.P 2, Hiremath S.N1, Baviskar A.V1 and Akul M.R.3

1Department of Pharmaceutics, P.R.E.S’s College of Pharmacy, Chincholi, Nasik-422101, Maharashtra, India.

2Department of Pharmaceutics, N.D.M.V.P.S’s College of Pharmacy, Nasik-422002 Maharashtra, India.

3Reasearch and Development cell, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Sinnar, Nasik, Maharashtra, India.


Hydroxyzine hydrochloride is histamine H1 antagonist, antipruritic and anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic agent. It helps in suppression of histaminic edema, flare and pruritus, but it has poor patient compliance due to its bitterness. So its taste should be masked to formulate it in a palatable dosage form. Hence an attempt was made to mask the taste of Hydroxyzine hydrochloride with strong and weak cation exchange resins. The complex formation of drug with different cation exchange resins was carried out to block the functional group responsible for causing bitter taste. DSC analysis, X-ray diffractometry, FTIR spectra and decomplexation studies give evidences of complex formation.Hydroxyzine hydrochloride shows good complexation and effective taste masking with strong cation exchanger like Tulsion-343, Tulsion-344 and weak cation exchanger like Indion-234. But Tulsion-343 and Tulsion-344 resins affect the drug release from complex at gastric pH due to their sustained release action. The complex for formulation was selected considering the results obtained from release of drug from complex at salivary pH as well as at gastric pH, sensory evaluation of complex. Accelerated stability studies (at 400C ± 20C /75% RH±5% RH) on the selected resinate indicate that there are no significant change in drug content and in vitro dissolution profile (p < 0.05).


KEYWORDS: Hydroxyzine hydrochloride, Taste Abatement, Ion Exchange Resins.




Hydroxyzine hydrochloride is histamine H1 antagonist, Antipruritic and Anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic agent. It competes with histamine for binding at H1 receptor site on the effector cell surface resulting in suppression of histaminic edema, flare and pruritus but it has poor patient compliance due to its bitterness1, 2. The most important class of ion-exchangers is the organic ion-exchange resins. They consists of a framework, so called matrix, carrying a functional component having a positive or negative electric fixed charge, which is compensated by mobile counter ions of opposite sign3.


Framework in pharmaceutical grade ion exchange resins (IER) consists mostly of polyacrylic acid or polystyrene cross linked with suitable amount of cross linking agent such as divinyl benzene, amount of which greatly affects swelling property and in turn rate of ion exchange and capacity to absorb large molecules4.


Ion exchange resins are water insoluble, cross-linked polymers containing salt forming groups in repeating position on the polymer chain. Drug can be bound to the ion exchange resin by either repeated exposure of the resin to the drug in a chromatographic column (column method) or by prolonged contact of resin with the drug solution(Batch method)5,6,7,8,9. The resins forms insoluble adsorbates or resinates through weak ionic bonding with oppositely charged drugs. The exchange of counter ions from resin is competitive8.


A drug: resin complex (Resinate) is made from the bitter drugs and ion - exchange resins. The nature of the drug: resin complex is such that the average pH of 6.7 and cation concentration of about 40 meq/lit in saliva are not able to break the drug: resin complex but it is weak enough to be broken down by the hydrochloric acid present in the stomach. Thus the drug: resin complex is absolutely tasteless and stable, with no after taste, but at the same time its bioavailability is not affected10.



Hydroxyzine hydrochloride was obtained as a gift sample from Glenmark Pharmaceuticals (Sinnar, India). Amberlite IRP-64, Amberlite IRP-88 were obtained from Rohm and Haas Pvt. Ltd. (Mumbai), Tulsion-343, Tulsion-344, Tulsion-335, Tulsion-339, Micpol-1061 were obtained from ThermaxIndia Ltd., (Pune), Indion-234, Indion-214 were obtained from Ion exchange India Ltd, (Mumbai). All other reagents used in present work were of analytical grade.


Preparation of Drug: Resin complex

Cation exchange resins (both strong and weak cation exchange resins) were weighed accurately. Each of the ion exchange resin was swelled by stirring in 20 ml of water for 30 min. using a magnetic stirrer. After 30 min, the accurately weighed quantity of drug was added in slurry of resin during stirring. The resultant mixture of drug and ion exchange resin was stirred for 1 hour. The slurry was filtered off and the filtrate was analyzed for drug complexed with each of the ion exchange resin. The residue was washed with 10ml water and air-dried. Solid complexes of each of the ion exchange resin with drug were prepared in various ratios of drug: resin (1:1, 1:2, 1:3), keeping the quantity of drug constant. The percent drug complexed was determined U.V. spectrophotometrically at 229.8 nm.


Percent drug complexed:

The resins showing optimum percent drug complexation were selected for further study. The percent drug complexed with each of the ion exchange resin was determined by analyzing the filtrate, after appropriate dilution with distilled water. The filtrate was analyzed by Shimadzu UV-250 1PC double beam spectrophotometer at λ max 229.8 nm. The percent drug complexed is shown in Table No: 1. The reported values of percent drug complexed are average values of three readings.

Drug release study at simulated salivary fluid (SSF):

Drug release study of the selected drug: resin complex was studied at SSF to determine the amount of the drug that would be released in mouth during the administration of formulation. The bitterness of the taste is related with the amount of drug released in the mouth. Hydroxyzine hydrochloride plain was used as a control to study its rate of release at the pH of mouth.


Solid drug: resin complex equivalent to 10 mg of drug was subjected to release rate study. The complex was accurately weighed and added to 5ml simulated salivary fluid pH 6.8. Aliquot was withdrawn after interval of 1 min. Sample was filtered through Whatmann filter paper. The filtrate was analyzed by Shimadzu UV-250 1PC double beam spectrophotometer at λ max 231.2nm. Drug concentration in the sample was determined. The reported values of percent drug released are average values of three readings. As shown in Table No: 2.


From this study, the resinate showing less amount of drug release (Less than 5%) was selected for further study, as the amount released is insufficient to impart bitter taste9  E.g. Tulsion-343 (1:2, 1:3), Tulsion-344 (1:2, 1:3), Indion-234 (1:1, 1:2, 1:3)


In Vitro release studies

The selected resinates (Accurately weighed quantity equivalent to 10 mg. of drug) were subjected to In Vitro dissolution studies using  USP type II (Paddle) apparatus at 50 rpm with temperature 370 C ±0. 50 C. dissolution study was carried out using 900 ml simulated gastric fluid (SGF). After certain time interval, 10 ml of dissolution medium was withdrawn and filtered; the filtrate was analyzed by Shimadzu UV-250 1PC double beam spectrophotometer at λ max 231 nm. The drug release data was fitted in various release kinetic equations such as zero order, first order, higuchi equation, Hixon crowell, and Korsemayer peppas. Percent cumulative drug release data from complexes in simulated gastric fluid is shown in Fig No:


Figure No: 1 Percent cumulative drug release from complexes in SGF

Table No: 1 Percent drug complexed in various ratios of cation exchange resins


Drug: Resin (% w/w)

Percent drug complexed

Tulsion-343** (H+)*

Tulsion-344** (Na+)*

Tulsion-339 (K+)*

Micpol-1061 (H+)*

Indion-214 (H+)*

Indion-234 (K+)*

Amberlite-IRP88 (H+)*

Amberlite-IRP64 (K+)*

Tulsion-335 (H+)*




























1.52 ±0.68



*- Exchangeable ion; ** - Strong cation exchange resin


Table No: 2 Percent drug released in simulated salivary fluid after 60 sec.

Ratio of Drug: Resin

Percent drug release in simulated salivary fluid




Drug: Tulsion- 343




Drug: Tulsion- 339




Drug: Indion-234




Drug: Tulsion-344




Drug: Micpol-1061




Pure Drug




Evaluation of selected resinate

1.       Taste evaluation:

The sample of each drug resin complex was subjected to sensory evaluation by a panel of nine members with respect to bitter taste. Bitterness was measured by consensus of panel which contain three groups, each group contain three subjects, as shown in Table No: 3. The evaluation was performed by classifying bitter taste into following five classes.

Level 5: Very strongly bitter taste is sensed.

Level 4: Strongly bitter taste is sensed.

Level 3: Moderately bitter taste is sensed.

Level 2: Slightly bitter taste is sensed.

Level 1: No bitter taste is sensed.


Table No. 3: Design for sensory analysis of drug: resin complexes

Subjects group

Samples of drug: resin complexes



Group I

Pure Drug





Group II

Pure Drug





Group III

Pure Drug





A- 1:1, B- 1:2, C- 1:3   Drug: Resin complexes (%w/w)


Table No: 4 Average bitterness values of drug: resin complexes

Ratio of Drug: Resin Complex

Average bitterness value

Pure drug


Tulsion 343

1:2 (A)


1:3 (B)


Indion 234

1:1 (A)


1:2 (B)


1:3 (C)


Tulsion 344

1:2 (A)


1:3 (B)



The pure drug without complexation with ion exchange resin was used as a control having an average bitterness value of 5.  Each of the members was given the control that is the pure drug and was asked to compare the bitterness of each of the ratio of complex with that of the control and indicate the level of bitterness perceived by them. The members of the panel were asked to gargle for complete removal of taste sense of previous samples and then the next sample was given for taste analysis. The average bitterness value of each of the ratio was worked out based upon the level of bitterness perceived by individual member of the panell6, 11. Average bitterness values of drug: resin complexes shown in Table No: 4


2.       Assay of drug: resin complexes:

A complex equivalent to 10 mg was accurately weighed and in that 10 ml of 1N HCl was added to break the drug: resin complex. This was stirred on magnetic stirrer for 2 hours. Solution was filtered and dilutions were made, and absorbance was measured at 232.2nm using UV-Spectrophotometer. The data obtained is shown in Table No: 5. The reported values of percent drug content are average values of three readings.


Table No. 5: Assay of drug: resin complexes

Ratio of Drug: Resin (% w/w)

Percent drug content

















3.       Evidence of complex formation:

A)      Differential Scanning Calorimetery (DSC):

Shimadzu DSC-60 Differential Scanning Calorimeter using aluminium pans equipped with an intracooler and a refrigerated cooling system was used to analyze the thermal behavior of Hydroxyzine hydrochloride, Indion-234 and drug: resin complex of Hydroxyzine hydrochloride: Indion-234. Indium standard was used to calibrate the DSC temperature. The thermal behavior of hermetically sealed samples (5-10 mg) heated at 20°C/min The data obtained is shown in the Fig No: 2.


Figure No: 2 DSC Curves of A) Hydroxyzine hydrochloride, B) Indion -234, C) Drug-resin complex


B)            FT-IR Spectroscopy:

FT-IR spectrum of the Drug, Indion-234 and drug: Indion-234 (1:3) was recorded on Shimadzu FTIR-8400 S over the wave number 4000 to 500 cm-1. The spectrum of the dug, Drug: Indion-234 (1:3) and Indion-234, and is shown in Fig No: 3.



Figure No: 3 FTIR spectrum of A)Indion-234 Resin; B) Drug: Resin Complex; C) Hydroxyzine hydrochloride


C) X-ray diffractometry:

X-ray powder diffractometry was carried out to investigate the effect of complexation process on crystallinility of drug. Powder X-ray diffractometry were carried out using a Philips-PW-1050 scanner with filter Ni, Cu Ka radiation, voltage 40kV and a current of 20 mA. The scanning rate employed was 1°/min over the 5°to 50° diffraction angle (2q) range. The X-RD patterns of drug powder, resin (Indion-234), and drug-resin complex were recorded and shown in Fig. No: 4.


4.    Accelerated Stability Study:

The selected resinate (drug-Indion-234) was subjected to accelerated stability studies by storing the resinate (in amber coloured rubber stoppered vials) at 400C ± 20C /75% RH ±5% RH for six months as per ICH guide lines. At intervals of one month, three month and, six months, the resinate complexes were visually examined for any physical changes , change in drug content, and in vitro dissolution profile.


Figure No: 4 X-Ray Diffraction pattern of A) Drug- resin complex B) Indion-234   C) Hydroxyzine hydrochloride



1.    Data of percent complexation and released was subjected to two way ANOVA. It can be stated that, percent drug complexation is dependent on drug: resin ratio as well as type of resin. These two factors also plays important role in release of drug. Strong resins like T-343 and T-344 shows near by 50% drug release in two hrs. in SGF. While weak cation exchanger like I-234 releases more than 90% drug within 30 min. this is because drug bind tightly with strong resins and loosely with weak resins. Exchangeable ion present on resin is also showing effect on percent complexation, as relative selectivity changes from one ion to other.


2.    Taste Evaluation:

The data obtained from drug released in SSF and taste evaluation by panel of 9 members gives evidence of taste abatement of drug.


3.    Evidence of complex formation:

a)                   DSC studies:

DSC Thermogram of pure drug shows sharp endothermic peak at 184°C, indicating melting point of Hydroxyzine hydrochloride. On the other hand, no peak over the range 140oC - 220oC was found in the DSC curves of the resin and drug: resin complex.


b)       Infrared (IR) study:

FTIR spectra of drug shows peak for ter. amino group at 1300 cm-1 wave number which is absent in drug – resin complex of I-234.this gives the evidence of complexation.


c)       X-ray diffraction study:

The X-ray diffraction pattern confirms the crystalline nature of Hydroxyzine hydrochloride that is evident from the number of sharp and intense diffraction peaks obtained for drug. The XRPD of resin (I-234) showed diffused peaks. Only diffused peaks were observed in the diffraction pattern for the complex regardless of presence of drug. According to the data from XRPD, the molecular state of pure drug was crystalline and that of the resin was amorphous. The molecular state of the drug prepared as drug-resin complex was changed from the crystalline to the amorphous. The X-ray diffractometry results show formation of complex of drug with the resin.


4.    Accelerated stability study:

Accelerated stability studies (at 400C ± 20C /75% RH±5% RH) on the selected resinate indicate that there are no significant change in drug content and in vitro dissolution profile (p < 0.05).



Bitter taste of Hydroxyzine hydrochloride was successfully masked by strong cation resins like T-343 and T-344, which shows sustained drug release, also weak cation exchange resins like I-234, which shows rapid drug release. Drug released from these resinates follows first order release kinetics. DSC, FTIR, X-ray diffraction, drug content study gives the evidence of complex formation. Accelerated stability study shows that formed resinates are stable.



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Received on 17.05.2011

Accepted on 04.06.2011        

© A&V Publication all right reserved

Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology. 3(4): July-Aug. 2011, 130-134